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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Computer Science = No Closed Source Shit

This post comes out from some recent thoughts and a post here :
and another one here

So majorly what I see here is that the shiny looking gadgets are hindering the modder to go under the hood, rewire (or rewrite some code) to get that device to do some cool stuff, perform to its limits and even innovate.
Do closed-source devices inhibit the geek?

When computing was developing and personal computers were introduced in homes, I remember, they were seriously much more open and not-so-hooded as present day computers and devices. Anybody could open up a CPU and upgrade the RAM or even a cooling assembly for that matter. People still do so. But, it is really complex to go under the hood of an iPhone or even a general laptop for that matter. It requires much higher levels of knowledge to tinker with a device without bricking it. The gap is increasing. The CS education needs to keep track with the advancements in the real world.

But still, how hard the hardware manufacturers may try, somebody in the crowd stands out with a broken "warranty-void-if-seal-broken" tag and comes out with a way cooler trick of using the device. Some recent modding - - Android running on an iPhone.
And the recent PS3 hack which gets the Other OS option back in firmware version 3.21.

The present day devices abstract or hide a huge chunk of Conputer Science under them. Its all good and shiny for the general user, but I believe it should not be just a device that emulates some real world physics in its graphics & UI for a CS student. It is a bloody chunk load of electrical components and millions of lines of code. In-short, it is a geek's paradise.

The University of Cambridge is up with its course- geared towards a shift in Computer Science that is much more present-day oriented, coupled with high research and innovation. Well I believe that this should also make place into the usual classroom. I dont imply teaching modding in a class room (that is a ridiculous idea), but atleast the teaching should somehow relate to the real world stuff. It should, in some way, imbibe the spirit to learn*. Well thats what University education means to me, and I believe to all of us. It should not at all be engulfed in closed source shit, atleast Computer Science. One needs to look under the hood - especially if you are not just a user.

Adding to the above, I have big expectations from my course at NUS - CEG - Computer Engineering. I am far away from the real world stuff, but maybe this course can get me somewhere :)

* - CS, as far as I have encountered it, is 99% a self-learning path. 1% is where you learn how to learn.

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